Lanoguard Moto Electrics Spray
Protects, Waterproofs, Lasts, Stays.
Lanoguard Moto Electrics Spray is a superior electrical spray which has primarily been designed for electrical application. It has a unique set of technical features that displace water and are non conductive so it will put an end to constant electrical problems. Some of these features include:
Waterproof (instantly waterproof anything)
Petroleum resistant (so petrol or diesel spillage or leakage won't displace it nor mix with it)
Non-conductive to 70,000 volts (use on all electrics and circuit boards)
Prevents electrolysis (no more seized nuts and bolts)
Non-evaporative (won't dry out like normal grease leaving un-lubricated or unprotected parts)
Heat resistant to 450 degrees Celsius
Better than products you have tried before, Lanoguard Moto Electrics Spray can be used wherever petroleum spray is used but will provide you with many benefits over the product you use currently and can be used to do more jobs than a normal spray too.
Something which really makes our products stand alone when compared to others is that they stay in place doing their job for a long time and won’t be displaced by pressure washing and won’t evaporate up to 450°C or be dissolved by petrol products. As well as this it is ecologically friendly and lasts much, much longer. It will not perish any rubbers or plastics either and in fact will nourish them!