Lanoguard Outdoor Spray
Lanoguard Outdoor spray is a must-have all season lasting anti rust & corrosion, anti seize and waterproofing spray for around your home, caravan, garden or for sports and leisure pursuits. It contains an anti fungal to prevent mould forming should it be used on wood. It's a light formula ensuring the residue is minimal whilst leaving a light lubrication behind too assisting all threads and pulleys etc, to keep things moving and seize free all season.
From hinges and locks to whole electric motors and pond pumps, jack winding threads on caravans and reels on fishing rods, there are many uses for this highly versatile very long lasting anti rust & corrosion spray. Keeping all your home and garden gear from corrosion, seizing and breaking. Saving you time, Hassle and Money.
If you're still not sure, please take a look at the Features page for more detail on how and why it works. Or send us a chat at the bottom of the page, or call.